Monday, April 23, 2012

Dr Kenny Pang - Does your child snore?

Did you know that as high as 20% or 1 in 5 children snore nightly and 30% or more snore occasionally?

This may be caused by:

nasal congestion
blocked nose
allergic rhinitis
enlarged adenoid
enlarged tonsils

How to determine if your child has sleep apnea. Let's Dr Kenny Pang tells you:

1. Frequent loud snoring
2. Short periods of stoppages in breathing during the night
3. Difficulty waking up, even though it seems that he/she has had adequate sleep
4. Headaches in the morning, or often during the day
5. Falling asleep or excessive daydreaming
6. Irritable, aggressive
7. Poor school results, performance

Dr Kenny Pang: For most children with OSA who have enlarged tonsils and adenoids, treatment is curative with an adeno-tonsillectomy. Children with allergic rhinitis are also treated aggressively with allergen avoidance, topical nasal steroid sprays and antihistamines (if necessary).

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